Calculando las pisadas que dejo al caminar por calles atestadas de un temerario abandono, como si nadie nos estuviera viendo, camino con una dulce decepción, aquellas momentos de una risa, un sueño, un llanto, un acierto, un momento, solo quedándome ahí esperando que llegue, limpiar primero aquellas mismas calles atestadas, los que fueron ya no son los mismos,donde el éxito los mide por sus ganancias, que ya no viajan como medio de conocimientos si no más bien como medio de consumo, que no parare para rendirme, que este camino es largo y solitario, que aquellos que verán sus cimientos carcomidos, que rio, sueño y respiro, que aun sueño, que se que el individuo ha luchado siempre para no ser absorbido por la tribu. Si lo intentas, a menudo estarás solo, y a veces asustado. Pero ningún precio es demasiado alto por el privilegio de ser uno mismo.
Calculating the footprints left when walking through crowded streets of a reckless abandon, as if no one were watching, a sweet way to disappointment, those moments of laughter, a dream, a cry, a hit, a moment, just staying there waiting arrives, first clean those same crowded streets, which were no longer the same, where success measured by the profits, which do not travel as a means of knowledge but rather as a means of consumption, that will not stop to surrender that the road is long and lonely, those who see their crumbling foundations that river, sleep and breathe, that even dream that the individual has always struggled to avoid being absorbed by the tribe. If you try, you'll be alone often, and sometimes frightened. But no price is too high for the privilege of being yourself.
Calculating the footprints left when walking through crowded streets of a reckless abandon, as if no one were watching, a sweet way to disappointment, those moments of laughter, a dream, a cry, a hit, a moment, just staying there waiting arrives, first clean those same crowded streets, which were no longer the same, where success measured by the profits, which do not travel as a means of knowledge but rather as a means of consumption, that will not stop to surrender that the road is long and lonely, those who see their crumbling foundations that river, sleep and breathe, that even dream that the individual has always struggled to avoid being absorbed by the tribe. If you try, you'll be alone often, and sometimes frightened. But no price is too high for the privilege of being yourself.