Lou: Que yo sufra mucho carece de importancia comparado con el problema de
que no seas capaz, mi querida Lou, de reencontrarte a ti misma. Nunca
he conocido a una persona más pobre que tu:
Ignorante pero con mucho ingenio
Capaz de aprovechar al máximo lo que conoce
Sin gusto pero ingenua respecto de esta carencia
Sincera y justa en minucias, por tozudez en general
En una escala mayor, en la actitud total hacia la vida:
Sin la menor sensibilidad para dar o recibir.
Carente de espíritu e incapaz de amar
En afectos, siempre enferma y al borde de la locura
Sin agradecimiento, sin vergüenza hacia sus benefactores…
En particular:
Nada fiable
De mal comportamiento
Grosera en cuestiones de honor…
Un cerebro con incipientes indicios de alma
El carácter de un gato: el depredador disfrazado de animal doméstico
Nobleza como reminiscencia del trato con personas más nobles
Fuerte voluntad pero no un gran objeto
Sin diligencia ni pureza
Sensualidad cruelmente desplazada
Egoísmo infantil como resultado de atrofia y retraso sexual
Sin amor por las personas pero enamorada de Dios
Con necesidad de expansión
Astuta, llena de autodominio ante la sexualidad masculina.
F.N (Friedrich Nietzsche)
Lou: That I suffer much irrelevant compared to the problem of not be able, my dear Lou, rediscover yourself. I've never met someone poorer than you: Ignorant but with much ingenuity Able to maximize what it knows no taste but naïve about this lack minutiae Sincere and fair, for general stubbornness On a larger scale, in the attitude Total towards life: insincere Without the slightest sensitivity to give or receive. Spiritless and incapable of love In affection, always sick and on the verge of madness No thanks, shamelessly towards their benefactors ... In particular: Nothing Rude misbehavior reliable in matters of honor ... A brain with incipient signs of soul The character a cat: the predator disguised as pet Nobility reminiscent of dealing with people noblest strong will but not a large object without diligence and purity Selfishness Sensuality child cruelly displaced as a result of atrophy and delayed sexual Without love for people but love God with Clever need expansion, full of self-control to male sexuality.
Yours F.N (Friedrich Nietzsche)
Lou: That I suffer much irrelevant compared to the problem of not be able, my dear Lou, rediscover yourself. I've never met someone poorer than you: Ignorant but with much ingenuity Able to maximize what it knows no taste but naïve about this lack minutiae Sincere and fair, for general stubbornness On a larger scale, in the attitude Total towards life: insincere Without the slightest sensitivity to give or receive. Spiritless and incapable of love In affection, always sick and on the verge of madness No thanks, shamelessly towards their benefactors ... In particular: Nothing Rude misbehavior reliable in matters of honor ... A brain with incipient signs of soul The character a cat: the predator disguised as pet Nobility reminiscent of dealing with people noblest strong will but not a large object without diligence and purity Selfishness Sensuality child cruelly displaced as a result of atrophy and delayed sexual Without love for people but love God with Clever need expansion, full of self-control to male sexuality.
Yours F.N (Friedrich Nietzsche)
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